Blue Ribbon hits the best-seller list

The Australian Blue Ribbon Cookbook has been rushed into a reprint after hitting the national best-seller list for non-fiction. The book reached No 4 on the charts tracking sales through book retailers last month, just a few copies behind chef Peter Evan’s cookbook and I Quit Sugar, which has dominated the list for a year or more. The book is also currently No 1 on Allen & Unwin’s own best-seller list as its top-selling title in Australia.

“It is very exciting and a real tribute to the show cooks I wrote about, and their generosity of spirit in sharing prize-winning recipes and allowing me to tell their fascinating stories,” says author Liz Harfull.

“In this day of celebrity chefs, reality television and fashionable food fads, its great to see that the stories of some humble home cooks and simple, traditional recipes handed down over generations are striking a chord with the public.

“Given my book contains enough butter and sugar to sustain Australian dairy farmers and cane growers for years, some of my readers have even jokingly suggested that I am restoring balance to the karma of the food world!”

Liz is preparing for a busy few months as the spring show season kicks into gear. She is due to make guest appearances at shows and author events across the country, from WA to Queensland between now and November.

You can keep up to date with news about coming events and the world of show cooking by following her new facebook page.



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